PROJECT Interactive Guide

CLIENT Broadway Cares Equity Fights AIDS

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my role Staff Designer; Designer of additional event collateral

more info This guide was distributed by the Education Outreach department to schools that created student-run fundraisers. I was tasked with creating a design that would make all of the information digestible to review. Since this was a digital guide, I offered to make it an interactive PDF. I find those fun to make since I like designing websites. In addition, it makes going through a document a little more engaging for the viewer and may keep them interested longer.

You may wonder how I developed the cover. I had used confetti type designs with our traditional colors on subsequent materials I created for our Education Outreach department. I also wanted the design to vibrate and show motion, highlighting the multiple ways we fundraise as an organization. The color palette you’ll find on the interior pages of the guide comes directly from Broadway Cares’ style guide. I liked the variety of colors provided in the guide and thought it would help to distinguish each section.