PROJECT GUN & POWDER show merchandise


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my role Merchandise Designer at Paper Mill Playhouse

more info I am highlighting a few productions that I’ve favored designing the merchandise of. While I design every piece of merchandise we sell, I am just going to discuss the design of the pin. I started thinking I’d design this as a simple logo pin and then had a thought that the women are an important part of this show. The two lead women characters had to show a lot of strength and courage in order to pass as white so they could get themselves and their mother, a slave to freedom. As you can see in the images above, the silhouette of the women were featured in the design of the logo and so I used that as the main focus for my pin. One challenge I faced was the material the final product was. My dream was to have it feel very rustic to appear aged and reference the logo, but the option available to me was to have the details be metal instead. I still think the overall product resembles the copper colors in the logo.